May 21, 2008 03:15
I've spent a good hour reading my old xanga and earlier live journal postings. I find myself doing this from time to time to reflect on events that occurred in my past that I feel made significant contributions to my emotional/mental growth. It's like reading a novel written solely by you, of yourself and for yourself. Well, at the very least private entries are most definitely self gratifying, considering these entries are meant for your eyes and your eyes alone. I'm realizing how glad I am that I kept entries of my xanga, livejournal and other blogs. We really can't underestimate or take for granted the ephemerality of time, especially the time that is allowed to us during our youth. We make mistakes and we learn from them; this is how we evolve. Slightly depressing if you ask me. I'm not ready to leave the kid in me behind, and quite frankly, I don't think I could ever let her go. I don't even know why I'm really talking about any of this. You know, maybe Michael Jackson and I actually have something in common (no, I was not black)... perhaps, I'm coming down with my own case of Peter Pan Syndrome.
I guess what I wanted to say was simply, that I should really make more effort to post to my live journal. I feel like I have been neglecting it for the past year, and so SO SOOO much has happened. There were plenty of things that occured in the last couple of months that I would rather not remember; but any memories, good or bad, are worth reflecting on.
Enjoy your youth while you still can. Time flies.
.update part.
My parents moved to NM two weeks ago and my Torrance house, which I pretty much grew up in, is in escrow and should be sold by the end of this week.
There are so many people I miss hanging out with. Or, just Miss in general.
doode, when did this whole gay marriage thing happen? o_O
I don't think I say this too often, but... I love my roommates. =]
okay, well, that was random.
I think I brainwashed Jho with Japanese culture. tee hee hee.
hmmmm, I think Archuleta.
Have a midterm this week. poop.
I really want to get my second tat, but I really need to loose some weight first.
anyhoo, I think that's just about it for things that's on my mind. I'm sure there's a lot more I can talk about, but I'm not in mood. Especially at 3:30 am on 3 hours of sleep. gah. k. bye.