Jul 31, 2011 22:36
Dear Alissa,
The word's been overused but I really was thrilled to hear your voice on a real live public radio station, interviewing a well known author with your usual intelligence and aplomb. Your questions were thoughtful and entertaining; your voice has gained a little more alto timber that makes your speech easy to understand, and you don't speak too rapidly (as some announcers often do) so it looks like you could be on your way to one of your career goals!
But I do have to confess that I had never heard of Neil Gaiman until now, and was very much impressed that you have read"American Gods"so many times. I was all ready to call my library to request a copy until your mother told me it's a fantasy, the kind of book I normally avoid (remember me and Harry Potter?) But on your recommendation, I shall give it a try. Who knows? I might be your first convert. In any case. I think your first radio interview on a large radio station was a definite success. Good luck and see you soon!!!
Love, Grandma-