Title: Out of the Horse Race (And Back in the Running)
Written by:
windowrightA remix of "
In the Running" by
hyperlydianPairing: Kris/Tao
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Kris Wu is running for president and running back into the life of one Zitao Huang, who would give anything to outrun this vice-presidential nomination - and their history together.
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i loved all the grounding details and inside jokes, so fun to read and really fleshed out the political milieu (i'll totally admit when i saw this was 2016 i had a quick BUT HILLARY?? moment but then lol jepp blackman). chanyeol vs. nate silver, kris' JED BARTLET i actually cried, glenn beck's fortune cookie because he fucking would, how the narrative gets filtered through media outlets - that entire section about yunjae and then kris' gay rights (non)stance made me flinch, so well done. also i can't express enough how much i adored krisbaek's relationship?? kris' entire staff was a joy (the kris/kris wedding cake, jongin being jumpy in every universe, WU-ZHANG CLAN i cried again), but baekhyun especially, all the ways he challenges but supports kris, has an incredibly realistic understanding of the situation, perf shortass campaign manager ;;; FINALLY the actual kris/tao... i dunno their background together and everything was so on point what else do i say, i loved kris' inner struggle with the kind of person he wants to be and who he needs to be, tao who's radical and strong-willed and a fighter, and every scene when they were in the same room together was auuugh all the tension and bitterness and kris' regret just like, kicking me repeatedly in the stomach.... this part: He imagines himself painstakingly typing out, You are everything still good about me, as a man or a politician. nooooo that fucking aches
THE WUZHANG CLAN JOKE WAS THE ONLY ONE WORTH MAKING. thank you so much for reading and leaving this comment sob what if you wrote us more superhero au though
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