Title: Again, Today, I Reach Out My Hand
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metafictionallyPairing: Baekhyun/Tao
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of death, illness
Summary: Tao is the student who can hear when people are dying, and Baekhyun-is, well, dying. Based on the manga "The Day I Become A Butterfly."
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Comments 4
I can hardly speak, I'm too busy fluttering over this wonderful fic :'D honestly what a beautiful baektao.
I love the way you layered your moments of description, which in themselves were bare enough to be honest but knotted together in such a lovely way...huhu I don't even know what i'm saying anymore sorry I don't make sense ;u;
anyways, I absolutely adore this fic, and your style, (!! all the metaphors break my heart) and I don't want can't wait to see the next version of this~
Even though it's sad, it's still somewhat adorable...
oh dear, what have u done with my precious baektao feels~
I admire how you put the characters into a mood in which we all know will come a sad ending.
Thank you for making this, I really enjoyed it. c:
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