Oct 10, 2005 17:36
Ever feel complete?
I do.
But I think the weather has something to do with it.
As well as my ever-so-fluctuating mood when I'm on my period.
Check out my interests, they make me smile:
Interests: 116: 7-11 coffee, adjectives, aesthetics, alcohol, ambition, amélie, anatomy, animal rights, appreciation, art, art history, barsuk records, beauty, being held, biochemistry, brooklyn industries, car rides, carcinogenesis, chemistry, chess, cinematography, coffee, conversation, creativity, culture, diction, discussions, dna, drastic climate changes, dreams, editing papers, emotions, everything, existence, existentialism, experimentation, feeling independent, films, flea markets, folk rock, foreign films, foreign food, french, friends, fruit, fun, genetics research, grammar, h&m, hair, hookah, indie rock, intellectuals, intelligence, jeopardy!, laboratories, languages, learning, letters, life, literature, long exposures, love, matador records, meeting new people, midwesterners, mixtapes, molecular biology, museums, my best friend darlene, new york city, new york university, north dakota, nostalgia, nutrition, observation, periodic table of elements, philosophy, photography, photos, physics, poetry, polaroids, questions, rain, record stores, renaissance art, research papers, restaurants, saddle creek records, science, scientific journals, scientific research, scientists, sending letters, sleep, sleeping next to him, sleepovers, smiling, soy milk, summer rain, symbolism, tea, team love records, text messages, textbooks, thrift shops, travel, unhappy reminders, used bookstores, vegetarianism, veggies, vintage jewelry, weight, working out, writing.