I hate the rain (yesterday's bbq was hell :[ ) & I hate lj!
Here's the photos taken on EoY(16/12/06).
Thank you,
fragaria_vescafor sharing a booth with me & lending me 2 very cute 'meh' 'meh'! =D
Jr~ (cosplayed as a random anbu >_<)
jr looking kakkoi 6__^
Masaki~ (cosplayed as Fuken 普賢 fr Houshinengi )
was quite unsatisfied with his costume cuz it was 40% incomplete >_<
Tsukiya~ (cosplayed as Roushi 老子/ 太上老君 fr houshinengi)
the green wig suits him quite well XD
little 'meh' 'meh' XD
lastly, my fav. photo of him
Not much photos of cosplayer taken this year...
KH Halloween sora & heartless!
FF7 Vincent & D.Gray-man Allern!
Gintama Elizarbeth! and some random guy
Naruto Anbu team
More photos of other dolls coming in next post 6__^