Apr 04, 2009 08:09
I dreamt about this HUGE open public area, it seemed almost like a wholesaler or something. Perhaps a home depot.
It was filled with random people and strange looking objects, but the one object that fascinated me was the bundles of what appeared to be sticks..
The sticks were dark black and filled with spikes and horns. They looked unhappy.
I picked a bundle up and immediately knew that I had some something wrong. The sensation of pain crept thru me, it started in my feet..
Upon inspecting my feet, I noticed hundreds of tiny spines from the branches sticking out. The pain was almost unbearable. I got a tweezer and started to pluck them, one by one, slowly making progress.
I looked at my right foot, on my pinkie toe, and saw a lasceration, with a stick jutting out of it. I could see all the bone, the tendons, but no blood. This unnerved me quite seriously.
I crouched on the ground and began to weep, pondering out loud, "why does anybody make this stuff?"
A few everyday friends of mine came over and saw my situation. They grabbed a hose and started to spray me with it. It seemingly cooled me off, washed the black needles away, and I stood back up.
We left, but I couldn't walk properly, and everyone was looking at me cock-eyed, like I was the stupid one. Perhaps I was.