Jun 10, 2008 13:15
i did this during my senior year of high school. it was one of those therapeutic things that actually helped me work through a lot. So here i go again...
1. i'm not passionate about this job. That's why i can't write anything very well.
2. I can't wait to finish school. i think it's going to be really hard to stay focused for the duration of the school year.
3. i'm going to miss my friends in halifax more than anything when i graduate for real. the last three summers i knew they'd be there when i got back. it's weird to think this is the last summer i'll be going back.
4. i didn't think i was one of those girls who fell easily. i thought i got over that in high school. it makes me think 2 things: a)that my relationship with marty was one of convenience from the start. and b)that guys really do only want sex and they'll be insanely sneaky to get it.
5. sometimes i miss marty.
6. i hate most of the people i went to high school with.
7. i'm scared that nobody else will ever be in love with me again.
8. i would have married marty simply because it would have been the easiest thing to do. i would never have been truly happy.
9. i really like sex.
10. i'm not funny and i wish that i was.
11. i have a hard time sleeping most of the time.
12. i have no guilt about spending entire days in front of the television.
13. i really do enjoy exercising.
14. i pretend that certain songs were written about me.
15. i wish i was famous.
16. i never got over my first love.
17. i don't think my first love has ever gotten over me.
18. lately, i have no idea where the hell my life is going.
19. i lose all my inhibition when i drink.
20. i really do believe that people are inherently good. i have been dissapointed by this belief more often than not. i'm still naive though.
21. i really like my ass.
22. i really hate my hands.
23. my favorite thing to watch people do is laugh so hard they can't stop.
24. children actually make me uncomfortable.
25. my favorite smell is coffee.
26. i get nervous when people tag pictures of me because i don't like what i look like in most of them.
27. i'm superficial.
28. i believe in love too much.
29. i want a lot of money.
30. i want to write something that i'm actually proud of.
31. i have never been comfortable in my own skin.
32. i would do anything for my brother.
33. i think that holding hands is more intimate than sex.
34. i could have a relationship with a woman really easily, but i couldn't have sex with one. this is pretty much the only thing that hinders me from being bisexual.
35. the most memorable kiss of my life was after a school dance when i was fourteen years old. i will never forget it as long as i live.
36. i love driving on the high way at night.
37. i would love to be a singer.
38. i talk too much when i drink.
39. i don't tell secrets.
40. i believe that if i do get married i will, at one point, end up having an affair. this makes me a hypocrite because i would leave somebody the second they did the same.
41. i have a hard time forgiving people.
42. i've never been big on admitting i'm wrong.
43. i get dizzy around people i have a crush on. i don't mean with butterflies and happiness, i mean the actually dizzy like when you have the flu.
44. i never got dizzy around marty.
45. i've never accepted the fact that father mckee is dead.
46. i write letters to people when i'm angry at them, but i never send them. i keep them though, and sometimes use them to remind myself why i shouldn't let them back into my life. this could be why i have a hard time forgiving people.
47. i'm not vulnerable.
48. i like getting drunk.
49. i don't remember anything that happened in grade 10. i didn't even drink then, but it was such an unexceptional year that i seriously remember nothing.
50. sometimes i think i should be a little more jealous.
51. i give up on people too easily.
52. i'm not easiy intimidated by people.
53. i'm too diplomatic.
54. i cry when i laugh.
55. i wish i could meet a guy exactly like jim halpert from the office.
56. i wish i had pierced something on my face when i was younger.
57. i've tried to stop biting my nails at least 20 times in my life, but i can't.
58. i have a hard time hiding my feelings toward people.
59. i've been described as "emotionally unavailable", but it's a total defense mechanism because i am actually always too emotionally invested into every situation.
60. i miss team sports so much that sometimes i get teary eyed about it.
61. i'm really bad at flirting.
62. i don't like talking on the phone.
63. i find a lot of people annoying.
64. i don't know how to handle romance.
65. i don't mind crying in front of people.
66. i love the movie "beauty shop"
67. i plan my lunch break around getting home to watch "the view"...
68. i hated the movie "lost in translation"... it was pretentious and dumb.
69. i have never 69'd... and i flat out have refused to.
70. i get angry at people i miss for not being with me because it makes it easier.
71. i used to have a really strong faith in god. now i don't know what i believe. i know there is something bigger and i believe in prayer and heaven, but it all just seems too simple to me. i want it to be more complicated.
72. i hate routines.
73. i have promised myself i won't get more than 4 tattoos, but i already know the ones i want and i hope that there are more moments in my life that i want to commemorate permantly on my body.
74. i actually have no interest in ever having children.
75. i will probably only have children if everything else in my life goes wrong and i need to feel like i have accomplished something.
76. i don't care about getting married.
77. i'm a good kisser.
78. i'm an awkward date.
79. i feel sexiest in jean shorts and a bikini top.
80. i wish that i could swim better.
81. i think small dogs are pointless.
82. i'm seriously terrified of birds. I get nervous as soon as i see one less than 50 feet away from me.
83. whenever i sit on the passenger side i always put my feet on the dashboard, if i'm comfortable enough with the person driving.
84. the only person i hope i never lose touch with from high school is mike mcleod.
85. i gave adam more credit as a friend than he ever deserved.
86. i will never live in moncton for the rest of my life.
87. my biggest fear is that this is as good as it gets.
88. i'm terrified of the day i realize i'm 'too old' for something.
89. i wish i was better at decorating my room.
90. i hate when i come home from work and have no plans for the evening.
91. i love when it is my day off and i have no plans for the entire day.
92. i hate interviewing people.
93. my biggest wish in life is seriously to be able to eat anything i want all day long and never gain a pound. i know how pathetic that is.
94. sometimes i miss big macs.
95. if i don't look at you when i talk to you, i probably don't like you.
96. i give lots of kisses when i'm drunk
97. i am rarely lonely
98. i hate when i start having a crush on somebody.
99. i love when i realize that something about me has changed.
100. i love dancing even though i am bad at it.
101. i'm scared i'll never make a difference.