Schedule Time, Baby!

Aug 08, 2003 17:05

There comes a time, once a year, that we all jump on our computers. That's right, it's mid-August when we get our schedules! Here's mine.

Semester 1:

Web Design & Publish, Mr. Healy
Spanish 5, Mrs. Friedman
Environmental Science, Mrs. Donnelly
Print Making, Mrs. Bynoe/Child Development, Mrs. Cherriff

Semester 2:

Improvisation, Mr. Hickey/PE-Health, Mrs. Smith
Short Fiction and Drama, Mrs. Kelly
AP Gov, Mr. Kaplan
Pre-Calculus, Mr. Rodriguez

That's right, ladies and gents, Mr. Rodriguez! I'm excited for that class. But Mrs. Kelly. Ugh.

So, you guys know the drill!
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