Feb 21, 2009 17:17
everything about daniels sister irritates me.
she smokes and shes pregnant. she doesnt
even want to try to breastfeed her baby
cause she wants to drink right after.
she's just really selfish, i think. she did a
survey and it asked if you would ever donate blood
and she said no. im just like how could someone
be so selfish but then say that they care about
other people? how can she say she loves her
son and cares about him when all shes doing is
hurting him by smoking? i just dont understand.
maybe im making a big deal out of nothing.
but to me this is a big deal. and if shes gonna
keep up being like this, she is going no where near
my daughter even if it is her niece. im not putting
my daughter into a situation where she could possible
end up in the hospital because someone is
smoking around her and has nicotine on her hands
and tries to touch her and makes her sick.
sorry thats not gonna happen. i know my mom smokes
and i know that daniel smokes, but they're gonna
was their hands and use hand sanitizer before
they go anywhere near aiyana. im gonna be overprotective
but i dont care. she's my baby and i dont want her to get
hurt. and im not having selfish people around her
so then my child can just turn out to be a snob like them.