Feb 17, 2008 13:59
Wow. I've been away for a while! I just realized I haven't really done anything since December other then change my header and that took me a whole of 2 seconds. I had exams like any normal kid and I can say I wasn't doing particularly well in some of my french subjects (I now hate french immersion with a passion). Anyways, I also lost my muse a bit ago and I was stumped on what to do. I didn't feel the 'need' to make any tutorials and icons and perhaps the word to describe that is LAZY. Yeah...So I was looking through my journal today and I seem to focus on a lot of the same celebs. Linds is one of my passions and DUH Zachary Quinto is like the dreamy-ist dream boat EVUR and then there's the guest stars in my journal but other then that I really neeeeeeed to find someone new. Maybe Paris Hilton...PFT YEAH RIGHT! Well, I look on the net to see if I can find anyone worthy of my time and maybe perhaps I'll make a post soon freaking about this new persona. MWAH HA HA I just finished GHOST RECON on PS3 5 minutes ago and I thought I could add that to my post too. It's a really short game when I think about it...Or maybe I just spend too much time playing games...I'm such a loser. D: