melissa has reminded me of how little attention i pay to livejournal.
livejournal totally was my site i used to check allllllll the time and really all i cared about.
oh how facebook has changed this. damn crap.
i am very behind on everyones life on here. i really only check maybe once or twice a week and i SUPER scan through it only reading maybe one post!
work ( still piercing at metamorphosis) has been super busy for me. niki has been away on holidays, and korri is now leaving. so lots of hours. which is ok, just nice to have a little break once and awhile.
getting tattooed tomorrow by marc. super excited. never been tattooed on my chest before so this should be interesting! i have a high pain tolerance. so im not TOO worried about it. i have an outline by steve on my left thigh, his 3rd outline hes ever done, and its AMAZING. i really should get some pictures up on here to show whoever actually reads this still. haha. i have taken out a lot of piercings i think? only rocking the medusa and my 1/2 ears these days. well, and sometimes my septum. but my mum HATES that one. so its rare i wear it.
herman and lily munsters are the cutest ever as always. THERES something i should be sharing pictures of! hahaha.
lily munster.
herman munster.
pretty excited for going to the cabin and camping and all those fun summer things. hopefully friends have lots of time for that as well! pretty sure i could never camp by myself...........damn blair witch. SERIOUSLY. f-her.
on my way out. show time. hopefully i post more soon? i should really try to.