To Do List

Dec 31, 2011 13:02

Because I seriously need one!

1) sabrielholidays Exchange Fic- Request received, they want PWP so yeah...2000 words of that shall be interesting.

2) 1upona_sabriel Fairy Tale Fic Big Bang and Reverse Bang, haven't decided what to write.

3) 11 spn_30snapshots Left to Write, a couple started but not finished

4) Ma Wishlist for this Christmas, which still has open slots. *sigh*

5) Two Fics I promised bballgirl3022 like ages ago.

6) One Fic I promised meh_forget_it equally long ago and even started, now need to find what I did with it. *winces*

7)  A request fic from a loyal reviewer on FF.Net that involves G/S, D/C and cross-dressing AU.

8) Plot bunnies that are still living in my head need to be written and GET OUT. *scowls*

9) Start my H_C Bingo Card

10) Work on my SPN/Psych xover that's been stalled for practically ages.

11) A fic about angel!Dog/puppy that I'm writing as mithrel also is.

12) Two Fusion Epically Long Fics I started and have not been able to finish. *another sigh*

13) A birthday fic for enmuse over at sabriel_bday. Which I forgot about til now.

And I know I'm missing stuff but eh, I'll just keep updating this. Maybe I'll get things done this way. :D

to do list, h/c_bingo, 2011 wishlist, fic exchange, writer's block, my f-list rocks, gabriel/sam, spn_30snapshots table #1, crossover

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