Why Bake a Cake When it Could be Pie?

Sep 24, 2011 23:57

Title: Why Bake a Cake When it Could be Pie?
Pairing: Gabriel/Sam; Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 1346
Spoilers: Just angels in general
Warnings: None, or slight mention of Food!kink
Notes: Written for kayljay at spnfluffmeme for the following prompt: Dean never knew Sam learned how to make pie (maybe Jess taught him?) until he made one for Gabriel. Dean is jealous. (Whether Gabriel lets Dean have a piece is up to the author.) ;)


Dean never really paid that much attention to Sam and Gabriel's conversations. Mostly because he didn't want to know what they talk about. Gabriel has a dirty mind and he's not afraid to say it but there are some mental images and things that Dean really didn't need to hear in regards to his little brother. So, he didn't know exactly how the two got on the conversation of baked goods (mostly likely Gabriel trying to get Sammy to agree to food sex) but he heard Sam's admonishing tone and listened in.

Sam was in the passenger seat, Gabriel in the back and they're on the way to Bobby's after a job that Gabriel put an unscheduled end to by taking out the monster of the week just so he could have more time to spend with Sam. Or so he said. There wasn't another pressing thing to do so Dean was more then happy to start out for the old hunter's place. For the moment though, he's more interested in the conversation Sam, half-turned in his seat, is having with Gabriel.

“Seriously, have you ever had food that you haven't angel poofed into existence?”

“Angel poofed, Sammy? What am I; a hack musician?”

No, just a hack. Dean thought to himself and Gabriel retaliated with a mental response of: Just a hack that's doing your brother.

Dean scowled and let that go, knowing better then to further provoke the angel.

“Besides, the stuff I snap up taste great and there's no wait period.”

“But there is nothing better then a home cooked meal, especially if it's dessert.”

There was a moment that Gabriel hesitated to reply and Dean knew Sam had him interested, Sam seemed to sense it too. “How about this? When we get to Bobby's I'll go get some stuff and make you something. How does pie sound?”

“Hmmm, well if you're insisting then fine. But make it a pumpkin!”

Sam smiled brightly and nodded, pleased and obviously planning a list in his mind. Eyes on the road, Dean couldn't help but wonder how the hell Sam knew to make pies and why he didn't know about it.


When Sam left for the market, Gabriel went with him and Dean was left to relax on his own for once. Usually he would have been grateful of the opportunity but for some reason he really couldn't stop thinking about Sam's apparent pie making abilities.

“Hey, Bobby.” he said casually to the older man as he passed with a stack of mythology books. “Did you know Sam could cook?”

“As far as I'm aware your brother can only boil water.” was the reply and Dean nodded, justified, as Bobby went on his way.

“So, Sammy. What else haven't you bothered to tell me about?” he muttered, bitter and jealous. Sam knew how much he loved pie and yet only offered making one for Gabriel? Had never even told Dean about this ability. He wasn't going to lie, least of all to himself, that it didn't hurt.

As soon as they returned, Dean snagged the keys for the Impala from his brother and took off, leaving very little in the way of an explanation. Sam had stood in the doorway of the kitchen, face bewildered and arms full as he watched his brother leave in a huff. Dean heard him say something to Gabriel but couldn't catch the words and told himself he didn't care.

He went to the bar in town and proceeded to drink and play everyone at the pool table. Despite his intentions, Dean didn't get drunk but the desire to confront Sam grew the longer he was there until finally he had to leave and return to Bobby's.

The kitchen, when he walked in, smelled wonderfully of pumpkin and spice. The pumpkin pie was placed at the center of the table, a chunk already removed. At the place in front of a moved out chair the missing piece was sitting, half eaten, on a paper plate.

What really caught Dean's attention though was the way Gabriel had Sam backed against the counter and head pulled down into a demanding kiss. Still jealous, still pissed off and now disgusted, Dean cleared his throat loudly as he scowled at the pair. Sam, to his credit, jumped guiltily and pushed at Gabriel, who really only relented as much as it took to step back once.

“Dean!” Sam sputtered, face flushed and hair slightly messy.

“The kitchen is not a place for you two to be sucking face.” he snapped and Sam's expression fell into a bit of hurt. He made as if to speak, probably to apologize when Gabriel waved a hand and glared a warning at Dean.

“Calm down, Dean-o. I was just showing Sammy a bit of appreciation. The pie is amazing. I mean, your brother has got a real hand for baking.”

And for some reason that was the last straw for Dean, he just let go. “Okay, seriously. What the fuck is all this?”'

“Dean?” Sam's eyes grew wide and confused, “what's wrong?”

“What's wrong? Oh, I dunno, how about the fact you apparently know how to make homemade pies and never bothered to tell me!”

“I didn't...”

“And, not to mention that the first person you decide to make one for is Gabriel! Pies are my thing Sam, you know that!”

“Yeah, I do know but listen!”

Dean scowled and rolled eyes, “whatever Sam, I don't even care.”

“Hey, idiot!” Gabriel snapped, “why don't you try shutting up and listen to what your brother's saying?”

Dean glared at Gabriel, resentful but knowing better then to argue, and huffed. Sam brushed hands with Gabriel, a thankful gesture that Dean didn't miss and looked at his brother.

“Listen Dean, I'm sorry but I've got a reason. Okay? First off, Jessica is the one who taught me how to bake and I started out with pies because they reminded me of you.”

Sam looked a little bashful and Dean gave a pause, more willing to listen and maybe a bit touched.

“But I never got the chance to master it, so lately I'd been thinking about trying again. Then, Castiel came to me for some advice.”

“Cas?” Dean broke in, “What's Cas have to do with anything?” They hadn't seen Castiel much lately since he was so busy up in Heaven.

“Well, he came to me not long ago to get some advice regarding you.” Sam smiled teasingly as Dean floundered and colored. “He wanted to know how to best show you his feelings and I thought I could teach him to make you a pie. But it had to be a surprise so when I started teaching him and myself we hid it from you. I've got it pretty much down now but Castiel still needs some more practice.” Sam finished with a laugh.

“He...he wants to bake me pie?” Dean asked faintly.

“Yeah, dude. My brother seems to think he needs to court you or something even though everyone can tell you'd both love to bone each other.” Gabriel snorted with no small amount of amusement.

“Oh.” Dean trailed off, clearly thinking and Sam smiled at Gabriel while tugging him back over to the table.

“Go on, finish it.”

Happy to do just that, Gabriel kissed Sam once more before plopping down in front of his pie and dragged Sam to sit in the chair beside him.

“You know,” Gabriel began, stuffing a forkful of pumpkin filling into his mouth, “what I'd love even more then this?”

Sam looked at his brother but Dean didn't seem to be paying them any attention, “what's that?”

“Eating this pie off of you.” he said lewdly while snapping up a can of whipped cream.


Dean's responding exclamation was just as loud as Sam's blush.

gabriel/sam, dean/castiel, supernatural, comment!fic

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