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Oct 20, 2010 21:03

Oh my god I got tagged!
The first time in my life. I always wanted to be tagged. And now it´s happening. Thank you so much Julia.
I am so happy that you tagged me....
So I will answer those questions too of course =D

OK! Here we go!

What song you are currently addicted to?
Pink Mountaintops - While we were Dreaming
Taylor Swift - Love Story (Pop Version)... because I watched Letters to Juliet

What's the last movie you watched?
Dear John... love it

What is your favourite food?
mash potato with boiled eggs, bacon and sweet - sour sauce - it called "Verlorene Eier" yummi....

What's your favourite musical instrument?
guitar & piano...I have a guitar but I don´t play at the moment...

What websites do you visit when you go online?
E-mail, livejournal, youtube...

What was the last thing you bought?

What's the last thing that made you happy?
Finally I can buy for me the Wacom Cintiq 12 wx graphicboard... yeah!!!

Do you want to learn another language?
YESSSS! Next year I study english... I hope everything goes along...

Five things you can't live without?
my daughter, my laptop, CS4, books, music

If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
fly to USA...

What's one of your embarrassing habits?
I don´t know at the moment...I know I have some but can´t remember that they are embarrassing!

Tag: kosakoni ,    loveackshuly ,     crystal2626     ...and every one who wants to be tagged...
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