same as it ever was.

Mar 27, 2008 16:25

In the past 3 months, my grandmother has aged 10 years mentally and physically. I guess I didn't really want to believe that how it happens to everyone else would be how it would happen to her. I thought she was the strongest of them all. Now anytime I'm with her, or talking to's as if I can feel her dying right infront of me. Because of this... I don't really call her as much or visit her as much as I should. I know that's stupid. But I don't want to remember her sick. I hope some day soon I'll stop being so selfish, because I really miss her and she's still here.

Every now and then I notice how incredibly boring and repetitive my job is. It took everything in me this week to not call in, and to return from lunch. I've felt blank and unmotivated all week. I need to get out of this feild. It's not me at all, and time goes by too fast to waste it here. Dear Economy, wtf?

I can't believe it's almost April. I feel like April has passed already, simply because Easter has passed. This year is flying by. Jeremy and I have been together for 4 months, and it feels alot longer than that. And I mean that in the best of ways. That boy never fails at making me laugh and smile. I don't know what I would do without him. He is totally my best buddy <3

My mom and dad went to New York last week for Easter and they should be coming back tonight. I cannot wait. This trip has shown me how much I love my mom and how lost I would be if she didn't live near me. She doesn't know this, but I really did miss her a whole lot.

Other than that, I am in total love with my friends and our conversations. As always :) <3 ! New and old. I just wish I had more time to tell them. And show them.

Also, Jeremy and I are going to Las Vegas for his birthday and getting a room with a jacuzzi! I am totally pumped.

And that's it really... I am happy, just slightly discouraged with some things. But...everything works out. And in the end, I'm always okay.
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