Apr 12, 2004 19:13
According to you I'm a bitch...well guess what I don't care. talk all the shit you want. I've been out of the picture for so long yet you feel the need to talk trash about me still.
I thought for a long time that you were a good person. I think its pretty sad though that you make personal attacks on me without any reason to be doing so. Then again if thats what makes you happy go for it because to be honest it doesnt bother me. I KNOW that i'm a good person and that I have amazing friends, you're talking trash on me won't make me sink down to your level. I'm better then to trash you. Its not worth my time. I just dont get why you have this hatred for me. We used to be close and I did care about you a lot. You seem to think I trash you, which is funny. I make my lj friends only because its my thoughts and feelings and I don't feel a need or desire to share it with random people. If your lj is that way then thats nice for you and your choice. The only time you were ever mentioned in my lj is when you made those comments and i made a friends only post asking my friends not to comment rude things towards you regardless of what you say to me. But if you'd like to think i have this bad blood w/ you and that I trash you feel free. If you choose to hate me then do so but don't make it seem like you do it because i supposedly hate you because i don't.
the table set the stage for a life of memories but i'm a world away from everything.