Jun 13, 2004 09:58
I HATE MY FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL! Thanks to the morons that attend evergreen, i can no longer post pictures on here. if they were of me, it wouldn't matter. however, most of my pictures have my friends in them. WHY SHOULD THIS BE A PROBLEM, you ask? because there's a group of immature little pre-puberty insecure pricks running around making a xanga called the "mc smack crew" and using it to post pictures of students at EV, adding things into it to make fun of them, and they've taken three pictures from my fucking journal to make fun of people. so now, whatever i fucking post might get put on there, and i don't want to be the reason for my friends to get "mc-smacked". GOD DAMN I HATE THIS SCHOOL WHY CAN'T PEOPLE GROW UP AND GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!