May 15, 2007 09:00
I'm really bad with this thing. I used to be all about updating this & xanga, etc... but not these days. I think about updating it, and what all I could write about, but it's always when I'm in the car, driving to or from work for 45 minutes to 55 minutes, twice a day.
With all that time in the car, I tend to have alot of time to think. I think about everything. About how much I hate Memphis traffic (and the fact that only about 4 people in the entire metro. area know how to drive), about what I need to do when I get home, about what we've got going on the coming weekend, about what I was doing this time last year, two years ago, etc., about the past, about the future. Kinda crazy all the thinkin' I get into on Hwy. 14/Austin Peay Hwy. everyday.
Alot of times what I'm thinkin' about stems from whatever music I happen to be jammin' out to that day. This morning, I had to drive Clay's car to work. He needed my suv to borrow a trailer to take the lawnmower to be worked on. Anyhow, he had this WOW worship CD in the car that he bought a couple of weeks ago. CD's that have pretty much only worship music on it... it always affects me. I feel like Lauren may understand me on this one. I swear to you, it plops me right back to about the summers of 1999, 2000, and 2001. Straight back to Hickman Co., TN... Pleasantville to be exact. It's always just this flood of memories. Sometimes I want to have it all back SO badly. But, at the same time, I'm so thankful for where I am right now. All this crazy conflicting stuff in my little ol' head. It's such a happy thought, thinking of all the absolutely WONDERFUL times down there (NaCoMe... my old camp for those not familiar). All the people there that had such an impact on my life and who I am today. Funny to think that a place I have only spent about 10 weeks and 6 days (ish) in my entire life has made all of the difference. But, at the same time, it's kind've a sad thought these days. Knowing how it's not the same place that I knew... most of the people have moved on, just like me. But, then again, it's becoming that place for other people too, like my little sister. She knows a completely different place, except that it's exactly the same too. It's crazy like that.
I always have this little flood of missing it around this time every year. It's starting to get hot and muggy and it's just plain summer. The time when I still feel like that's where I'm supposed to be...
And on another note, things are going well for me! (haha... 180, eh?). Work is pretty good. Clay FINALLY graduated this past Saturday! Woo hoo for him being done with grad school! He graduated summa cum laude from UT-Martin with an MBA. Our families all went to the graduation in Martin, and then everyone came back to our house for a party. It was a good time, and our friend Trey and his girlfriend Maria drove in from SC for it. It was great to see them (and meet Maria too!).
Sunday was our one year anniversary. RI-FREAKIN-DICULOUS! It's crazy to think we've been married over a year now. And, sad to think about how at this time one year ago, I was on a beach in Mexico... I wanna go back in a REAL BAD kinda way.
We're headed to Destin on Friday after work. Gonna drive to Hattiesburg, MS Friday, stay there that night, then get up and finish the drive (to allow for maximum beach time). We'll be down there until Tuesday. I'm totally ready for the break, but I'm already wishing we were going to be there longer. But alas, I have no vacation time and so I don't wanna take more than 2 days off without pay, that's for sure!
OK, so, longest post ever... over.