Mar 31, 2004 16:38
Well today was interesting.
I atempted to get my license.. AGAIN!
Dammit.. this time my rear tires touched the grass in a 3 point turn causing me to have an automatic diqualification.
Bummer..big time. Oh well... back to the old drawing board I guess.
Im guessing the powers that be dont want me pregnant JUST yet huh?
Things are... ok with me now. I mean I think I can handle where we are at this moment. Things are better from what I can tell. I just need to remain calm, collected and try not to be a gomer..
I see him tonight I think ( hes starting Stans class.. ) I'm a little nervous - should that be normal?
I also think that I need to call that woman from FLSOTA and see if I can still get into her school.. god I hope so.