Title: The Train [1/?]
Rating: G
Summary: While losing his purpose in life, Jonghyun suddenly woke up in a mysterious train that will only stop at the end of the world. With the help of a mysterious teenage boy with a parrot, Jonghyun rediscovered the meaning of life and the way home. But the price to be paid made him having to choose between life and death.
Disclaimer: Jonghyun is not mine, especially Shinee. I only own the plot.
The Train
[Prologue: lost]
End of line - The MCP, TRON
As far as his eye could see, he could only find people walking mindlessly-as if their daily routine would never change, as if they were robots-and formed a massive crowd in the station. A wide range of fragrance alternated with the smell of sweat and the smell of fast food--burst mercilessly to his senses and left a strange sensation rummaged through his stomach. His head was throbbing in agony. The clock ticked steadily on his left wrist; seven o'clock past twelve minutes, clearly had passed his school hours. But he remained calm and went with the crowd. He gently squeezed his ticket with hands trembled violently. The ink that was printed on the paper had slightly faded since the first time he received it fifteen minutes ago. He could only recall the ticket officer’s blad smile before he hastily put it into the pocket of his tattered jacket.
His name is Kim Jonghyun; hair shaven with a slightly darker skin than most of Korean. He had a strong jawline, yet his eyes showed a visible anxiety no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. His hand reached so many times into his pocket. He walked to the direction of the crowd; the edge of the nearest rail. The train would arrive in a few minutes, so he immediately increased his pace and got there right when his train that moved closer to the station.
Jonghyun tightly clutching the ticket once more before he sighed and closed his eyes. With steady steps, he walked through the lines. There’s no way to go back, he thought. In a second, he would leave everything behind.
My plot bunny cant stop dancing in my head (should i blame it instead of thank it?) so, here it is. Another fic written by me. Im so much inspired by Shinee's single; 1000 years always by your side. I cried when i heard it for the first time (im really in love with Shinee's song writers, music arrangers and of course Shinee itself). Their music is great /sobs/.
It would be updated with the same pace as the artist. I hope.