It's all fun and games until somebody jumps the shark.

Nov 19, 2011 14:20

Alas, past the Kevyn/Elf thing, "Schlock Mercenary" just... lost its sparkle for me.

That could also be a side effect of trying to read the whole eleven-year archive in eleven DAYS. Still. It's a mismatch. (We must be yentas somewhere in our background, my family.) Would've been more fun to keep the Tagon/Elf will-they-won't-they thing going instead of giving the author avatar the strip's newly-recreated gorgeous blonde chick. TVTropes points out that, indeed, suddenly Elf has these hidden sensitivities and talents and WTF? What was so bad about the old Elf?

It was also kind of sprung on the reader (as in "Holy shit, in THIS strip they've been lovers for HOW long?") and I never understood the motivation, not even when I read the backstory that followed. If there's one thing I hate, it's an implausible romance. Y'all know that about me by now.

So. Until I figure out how not to be bothered by the sudden bad writing, I'm once again stuck for crack. Le sigh.
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