(no subject)

Dec 30, 2002 12:02

woo. Another day to just waste, har.
Well, right now i'm on my grandmas notebook, this thing is awsome. I really want one, too bad they are pricey.
When I get a lot of money, more then I make now, then I'll buy my own notebook. <3 Kawaii.
Well, last night I was awake till 2am. Which resulted in me waking up around 11.
Well, I really don't have a lot to say today, in spite of the fact i've done absolutley nothing this week. That's my plan for the rest of the week too. Hehehe. Well, since i'm surfing the web at this very moment, I'm picking up stuff from the sites. Here's something, 'You know you watch too much Gotenks when..'
Let's see my answers..
I know I watch too much Gotenks, nevermind this, lol.
But, I think this should be intresting.
I feel so lacking in my vocabulary at the moment, being that I just woke up...urgh.

> You actually try fusing with your best friend so you can save the world from a big pink blob you got your little brother/sister/dog/cat/guinea pig to play.
[I wish I had a freind willing to do such a rediculous act..lol.]

> You use only Gotenks [with the exception of using Trunks or Goten] when playing Dragonball Z import games, or whatever you can get your hands on.

> You go to the ends of the earth to find and obtain for your self a video game that has Gotenks in it.
[Bwhah. I would if I could. Unfortunatley, I don't have a passport, or parents willing to let me get one.]
> You call yourself Mirai Gotenks, even though you know that can't happen. [Lol. Nah, I'm a girl... ^_^;;]

> Tell everyone [that doesn't know too much about Dragonball Z] that you have a twin brother named Gotenks, and you guys do everthing together. [Lol. I told my teacher that...she believed me. Rofl.]

> Your liscence plate reads, "GTKSRLZ"
[It will...]
> You'd buy a bumper sticker on instant if it said, "YOU THINK YOU'RE STRONG? I KNOW SOMEONE WHO TURNED SSJ3 WHEN HE WAS 8"
[Rofl. Who wouldn't!? ;p]
> You have a screenname/email address that's similar to "GoTeNkSCaNdwILLkIkyErAsS@gotenksrulez.com" [translation: gotenks can and will kick your ass @ gotenks rules.com]
> You have two sets of all types of Gotenks action figures; One set you play with, and the other set is in mint condition still in the box.
[Not every single figure..I do have two SSJ3 ones though..]
> You go in an angry rampage when almost every single store you can think of has Pokemon stuff, but there are no Gotenks things.
[Rofl. YES. Omg, even WALMART has freaking pokemon crap. Ugh.]

> You'll pay twice as much for something that is Gotenks when a store does have it. [Duuuh.]

> Swear you will go into a mad, knife-happy rage when the american dubbers get to the episodes with Gotenks in them.
[Lol...maybe. ;x]
> Have Gotenks plastered all over your walls, binders, notebooks, and die whenever friends go to you, point to him and say, who's that?
[LOL. Yeah.]
> Over half of your computer's memory is filled with Gotenks-related stuff: episodes, pictures, sounds. . .
[Yeah..but I have a lot of other charries and anime on it. ;\]
> The majority of your bookmarks are Gotenks/Trunks/Goten-related.
> You have at least three screennames that are Gotenks related.
[I wish. My parents have a zillion SN's though. ]
> You spend at least two hours of a day on the computer, looking at your Gotenks stuff, or looking for more Gotenks stuff.
> You go to different Dragonball Z pages, looking for Gotenks bios, read them, see how accurate they are, and criticize the bio.
[Lol. Even a non-Gotenks fan would..]
> You look for Gotenks bios on non-Dragonball pages
[Lol. No.]
> You flame someone who own a Dragonball Z info site, because they don't mention Gotenks at all, only once, or don't have a bio on him.
[Nah. I'm too lazy. ;x ]
> Whenever your friends say they want to play volleyball, you correct them, saying that the correct name is 'Buu Buu Volleyball'.
[Lol. Yeeaahhh. ;p]
> You write at least two fan fics about him.
[Uhm. Yeah.]
> You RPG as Gotenks, using every single attack that Gotenks ever used.[Nah. I'm a girl, and besides, I haven't RPed in like..2 years.]

> You get pissed because someone has the character Gotenks already in a RPG, and make your character either
Mirai Gotenks [even though we all know it's not possible]
SSJ Gotenks
SSJ3 Gotenks
SSJ G0tenks
SSJ3 G0tenks
Mystic Gotenks [as in Mystic Gohan]
> You nickname your dog/cat/bird/fish Gotenks.
[Pfft. DUH.]
> Your best friend calls you Goten, and you call your best friend Trunks, and when you guys are together, instead of someone calling both your names, they yell, 'Hey, Gotenks!'
[Rofl, no.]
> You call your best friend Trunten, and he calls you Gotenks.
[Lol. No.]

> Your friends ask you who's Gotenks just because they know that you hate it.
[LOL. Yesss.]

OHOHOHOHOH. I found a good Vash lovers clique. It's one of the few. ;-;
Outside of DBZ, Vash is my favorite anime character. <3 ^_^
Luuurrrveee. ;x

Say it one more time [Vash]! || "[Love and Peace]"
[Gotenks] || is the voice in my head that says || "[Don't you think you're underestimating me!?]"

Lol..it's a bit long.

Bardock // Can't Get Enough
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