(no subject)

Dec 23, 2002 20:46

Yeah yeah..
Ok. I brought some new crap, as usual. Well..it's not crap, but it would be to others. >\
First. I brought a Launch figurine in that EB store. It's pretty cool, it was the last one. It has Launch, including her bazooka and AK47( I think), as well as a wanted sign, her backpack, and the backround with cops chasing her. (ep.15)
There were these other 2 toys on clearence (DBZ of corse), but I've seen them in other stores.
AGH. It was so hard to pick which to buy, since the clearence items had the deal, "Buy one, get one free."
The only figurines DBZ related were large, like my Launch one. One was of a yong Gohan with something from CC..I forgot. x_x; The other was shao and that little blue guy..crap. What was his name? fgdf!
He was always looking for the dragonballs.
Eh, I'm sure you know. >_<;
I also won a bid on Ebay for a DBGT wallscroll. I got it for an incredibely cheap price, but the shifting and handing alone was 8 dollars. Ugh. Well, it's better then spending $30 on a wallscroll. Heh.
So. I wasted more money. Har. Merry Christmas to all.

Some cliques..

(Gotenks) and I are soulmates!

AMILF - gohan

See.If I put Gotenks..that would be a bit..sick? o_o;
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