NY Resolutions

Dec 26, 2010 15:20

With the coming of a new year, it''s a time to acertain certain priorities and definitely cultivate persistence.

Ended our 1st month lessons for korean, there was really lots to learn. I think I've gotten the hang of reading off alphabets, so now I need to update on vocabulary and verbs. I'm already beginning to miss my Japanese lessons lols, I find them much easier though but I'll still need to wait for Takayasu sensei to be back for lessons to begin. For Japanese, I'm starting on 3rd month lessons when she returns. Aiming to take either a JLPT 3 or 4 exam for 2011 end of year; JLPT holds exams only once a year.

Whereas, other priorities are such as driving and my studies. Am taking my BTT on 9 February after I've returned from my BKK trip, and after that I'll need to persist all the way till I get my license thereafter, it'll be much more easier for me if I go to fieldschool overseas :).

It's all related to studies! So, should be a tough year ahead, but anyway...need to cultivate persistence too!

Best of all to my friends for their studies and have a happy and prosperous coming new year!!

japanese, resolutions, korean, languages

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