I'll return and fill that space in your heart

Jan 13, 2014 21:46

it is Moonday which means I am just stalking the download tags on tumblr waiting for a good d/l link for the new ep. well I've actually already found one so now I'm just waiting for it to hurry up. GIVE ME MY TEENAGE WEREWOLVES AND THE HUMANS WHO LOVE THEM. also give me sassy ER nurses and town sheriffs who are CLEARLY MFEO. ugh. <3

work has been a mess of drama that I am thankfully not involved in except that I know everyone who is and I fear eventually someone will want me to pick sides. they seem to overestimate my level of giving a shit. sigh sigh.

I've reached the point in my cold where I am made of snot. I have wiped my nose so many times today that just breathing is painful. fun times friends. blergh.

rl: sick, rl: work, tv: teen wolf

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