and I could take away the salt from your eyes

Mar 13, 2012 23:30

random post is random.

♦ seriously I start off with things to say but by the time I check my flist and eat dinner and self censor my thoughts so that my crazy isn't spilling everywhere it's like I don't remember what I wanted to say.

♦ re: Sherlock not returning until at least late 2013. um. duh? I mean it's not like the two leads are super busy with their film careers or anything. oh wait. (watches as tumblr eats itself.)

♦ oh NHL game center. you are too expensive. you make me very sad. why do you want to do that to me?

♦ I reallly really REALLY want this dress:

♦ I bonded today with the pharmacy girl over tattoos. sadly though she pretty much confirmed my suspicion that the artists around here are douchenozzles. which is a bummer. meanwhile this girl is SO CUTE. and probably waaaay too young. siiiigh.

♦ I read Martin Crieff/Molly Hooper which has so much potential to be the cutest ship ever but unfortunately the stories just aren't quite there.

fandom: sherlock, rl: sometimes i have crushes in real lif, rl: tattoo, rl: almost like a grown up

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