- have decided that I need to get back in the habit of posting, whether I have a reliable internet connection at home or not. there are plenty of places around here with free wi-fi so I should try this whole thing where I leave my house and interact with humanity. crazy I know.
- school is going well, although I've hit that mid-semester point where midterms are over and I'm so ready for the semester to be over. I'll be better in a week or two but right now I'm very 'GRRR ARGH DNW!'
- so I am just now at this very moment finally listenting to David Cook's 'This Loud Morning' which came out back in... god who even knows? June? July? anyway. life was sucking and I didn't want my first listen of the album to be associated with badness. HAHAHAHAH yeah. so I realized that if I kept using that excuse I would never listen. which leads me to now. SIR HOW DO YOU EVEN EXIST. ♥_♥ (I'm still super sad about missing his show a couple of weeks ago. stupid money. stupid lack of money.)
- while I was without interwebs there was a nifty thing that went around about
loving the ladies that fandom hates. and I was super bummed that I wasn't around while it was all going down. because I have a lot of feelings about ladies in fandom OH YES. so I've decided to make november my own little ladies love fest.
Look I get that she's an annoying teenager. I'm not even going to argue that because seriously she does some stupid shit and mostly because she's being a bratty little sister. BUT. That does not for one moment mean that Dawn is not totally awesome. Name one character that doesn't do something stupid at one time or another. Yeah. So I love Dawn. I love when she's giving Buffy crap, or crushing on Xander or being overly invested in Willow and Tara's relationship. I love the way she relates to Spike. I love the way she curled up next to the BuffyBot. I love that she's a dumb kid one minute and totally ready for the fight in the next. She lost her mom and her sister (okay so Buffy got better) and the one person she grew to rely on most after Buffy was gone and she still came out the other side. She fights and when she can't she helps those who can. She's amazing.
Link to Dawn entry at
womenlovefest Xander: I saw what you did last night.
Dawn: Yeah, I- I guess I kinda lost my head when I thought I was the slayer.
Xander: You thought you were all special. Miss Sunnydale 2003. And the minute you found out you weren't, you handed the crown to Amanda without a moment's pause. You gave her your power.
Dawn: The power wasn't mine.
Xander: They'll never know how tough it is, Dawnie, to be the one who isn't chosen. To live so near to the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. I see more than anybody realizes because nobody's watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You're not special. You're extraordinary.
Indeed Xander. Indeed.
- work can suck it. I seriously need to win the lottery so I can tell most of those assholes to go fuck themselves.
- while I'm not doing Nanowrimo because well. No. Not for me. (although omg all the admiration IN THE WORLD for those of you who do.) BUT. I've written like 500 words today which for me? awesomesauce.