hot girls. but first GOD OF THUNDER.

May 15, 2011 23:19

Thor? TOO AWESOME FOR WORDS. yeah I'm going to have to go watch that many more times. I meant to go see another movie this afternoon (most likely Priest) but opted for a nap instead. good life decision.

just now I was reading a Steve/Danny fic and in the author's notes they mention that Kono and Santana from Glee should be getting it on. I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. oh dear friendslist please find a way to make this happen. I really think the world needs it. okay maybe just me. BUT COME ON. KONO AND SANTANA. tell me they couldn't rule the god damn world.

I think I had other things to talk about but. yeah. I'm done.

rl: waaaaant, movies

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