- Siobhan - "Through the Fire" - hahahah "wicked." seriously everytime she says that I giggle. she's so cute. although I'm not sure this performance is. she's either awesome or really not good. there is no middle ground. man this is kind of all over the place. *sigh* okay Simon, you're now just repeating the same bullshit. WHY IS KARA MAKING MORE SENSE THAN YOU. *sigh*
- ewwww what is this creepy voyeur camera in the back. I don't want to see the contestants backstage! ugh.
- Casey - "Hold On I'm Comin" - wow, playing the guitar and singing. shocking. but still I like his voice. and he is really a much better singer then they initially presented him. when all they could concentrate on was that Kara found him hot. and ahahahahah omg Ryan looks like a midget next to him. but good for Kara at getting annoyed at the comment by Ryan.
- Michael - "Ready for Love" - okay I already like this in that it forces him to be still. yeah see now I'm absolutely loving this. his voice sounds great. he doesn't need to rely on all the cheese. diaf swaybots. yeah. he's my favorite so far. I mean, yeah he's only the third to go but whatever. that was fucking gorgeous. shut up Randy.
- Didi - "What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted" - she looks GORGEOUS. I can never tell what the judges are going to think of her, but I liked it. I don't know. I just like the actual sound of her voice. oh good god Ryan. don't TRY to make her cry. Ryan that was gross and invasive. don't do that.
- oh Kris Allen. ♥
- Bradley Whitford and Colin Hanks???!!! IS IT MY BIRTHDAY? OMG WHAT IS THIS. AHHAHAHAHHA MUSTACHE OMG. *grabby hands*
- yeah I officially hate this whole 'let's stretch out the agony' thing with the backstage camera.
- Tim - "Sweet Love" - dude please don't ruin this song. I really like this song. blah. am I on a cruise ship? just. no. stop it. and tell me you can't see him as Patrick Bateman. happily singing along as he hacks up a dead body! "like he's sneaking into a bedroom" TO KILL PEOPLE. EVEN ELLEN SEES IT. AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA OMG SIMON THAT IS AMAZING. <33
- dammit. Alex O'Laughlin why are you so cute? am I going to have to watch a J.Lo movie? *SIGH*
- Andrew - "Forever" - well setting aside the fact that I can't stand Chris Brown... he's sounding better than he has. yay! this is why I liked him so much at the beginning. I totally dug it. good times. noodle salad.
- this week is just embarrassing. ugh why call his mom out to talk to Simon. IDOL STOP THIS.
- Katie - "Chain of Fools" - oh good to know she was an obnoxious fangirl. her voice sounds good, but I don't really like this arrangement. so basically I'm agreeing with Kara. except for the comparison to Christina which Simon is right, is crazy. NICE TRY KATIE IT WAS MORE CHARMING WHEN CRYSTAL SAID IT LAST WEEK. and ahahahaha nice that Katie told the story about her dad hitting the bar last week. good lord this show has officially gone NUTS.
- Lee - "Treat Her Like a Lady" - oh man I love his voice. it reminds me of DFC in that it just kind of rolls down my spine. also he seems really confident this week and that just makes him more attractive. good stuff. I really liked that performance.
- Crystal - "Midnight Train to Georgia" - just give me her album already! I WANTS IT. "tell Gladys I say hi!" OH GOD SO CUTE.
- okay the new Kotex ad campaign amuses me.
- Aaron - "Ain't No Sunshine" - okay I usually don't buy into that whole 'well [past contestant x] did this song so it should be off limits' thing. BUT OMG KRIS LAST YEAR AND THIS SONG. I think this is a respectable version, but it doesn't grab me the way Kris did. and at the very least you should have a one season buffer between doing songs by past contestants. *snort* Ellen and the whole "when I was 11" thing.
- Ryan you're just annoying me tonight. and I don't like that because normally I adore you.
- Who should go home: Tim
Who will go home: oh god I fear for Didi.
- completely unrelated to anything... anyone want to do a Criminal Minds panel at Wincon?
- oh man there are just some episodes where Hotch tears my heart apart. this would be one of them.