
Mar 12, 2012 19:20

second proper rejection letter received. i really wanted this one, too, as a lab tech in duke-nus. would have fit in perfectly well with my london 2013 plans, but ohhhh well.

a lil disapointed but hey! rejection's easier when looking at it from a employer's perspective. i mean i still hope they get the best candidate for the job and the study goes well. and reading through the emails must have been tedious. so yeahh. im not gonna take it so personally, we prob just weren't a good match so its okay.

I was googling replies to rejection letters and saw a comment on a thread, this girl saying the best rejection letter she got so far said this-
 “Unfortunately, we have selected another candidate but I hope your future successes cause us to regret this decision.”

SO CUTE! hahah, i'd def keep that company in mind for future empolyement. Also if i ever have my own company, i'd make sure my rejection letters are along this line too.haha. so yeahhh, 2 down i guess, rejection really does hurt less each time i guess.
anyway good news- i got a second interview for the thailand barge internship! quite exciting but its skype! so ummm aiyo a lil nervous.

also i keep thinking what this would mean for rishik and me. i mean i know one year is long, but okay and doable i guess.but one year with maybe no internet connection when im out at field? months without contact is gonna be hard to sustain a relationship just in its initial stages. assuming i'd get this, it also cuts down 4 months with him to just two instead. i remember telling him once i'm not sure if we'd ever get to spend more time together than apart. hope that doesnt happen though.  also, since he when we srsly talked about this, he told me things that really made me think, and yeahhh. i know i want this barge thingy, but i also know what else i want.

i'm really not too sure la. i honestly believe we're magic, haha, which meaaans we can get through this. but at the same time, i think most people have believed at one point or another what they had with another was magic too. and still doesnt change the fact we're probably going to be subjected to the same circumstances and emotions every other couple has gone through. maybe we're not as immune to all this as we'd like to believe. but maybe, just maybe we are.

This would probably help us both decide our priorities in life, and how much we're willing to sacrifice in pursuit of our own dreams, or whether we both have the same new dreams, which will probably be good long term. but at the same time, i really really don't wanna lose him. mermaids, fairy princes, tale tellers, vessels and voyages. sighh, he's amazing and i'd really want to be part of his life, and him part of mine, for a long while at the very least.

i'm putting my faith in Jesus though, not me, or him ,or my choices, or his. Just pray that all things will work for His and our good, and believe that its all gonna be really fine. and that he's opening doors that should be open, and closing doors that should stay closed, cos i'm really not sure what the future holds.

okay gonna work on my resumes for uws,ecofieldtrips and maybe nparks.
and start working up the courage to send emails to UK wildlife trusts.

phuu chay, job, decisions, future, dreams

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