Mar 29, 2010 22:09
I've decided, my new ambition in life is to be the jeff corwin of Asia!
so to fufill this dream, i must first conquer LSM 2251 ecology report. which i really dont feel like starting on actuallyyy.
like i know if i get down to it i'll do it, but im so lazy to even start on it. all i feel like doing is snuggling up with sarah dessen, and reading my days away...
anyway the refugee camp in hungary has yet to get back to the AIESEC-er in Hungary, its been almost 14 days already? i'm quite worried about it..
i'll continue praying about it but if not there's always delhi to apply for too i hope :)
okay lets see, this week i have to do eco lab report, history 2000 word essay, traffick lights tumblr, start on 2101 or 2103 cant rmb which.
and i need to start writing more, i feel like im losing it. so scary!!