Feb 20, 2011 07:46
Ok so technically I wasn't blind, but now I can see better then before with my new glasses.
I've only had them about half a day but have already learned a few things not to do whilst wearing them:
1) I have to tilt my head if I want to look at the screen and then the keyboard so I don't look out the bottom of my glasses and lose the magnification they have.
2) Not told hold my steaming mug of tea close to my mouth while I think. The steam fogs up my glasses.
3) Looking out the corner of my eye hurts now. Since my glasses don't cover my entire field of vision and going from a magnified view to my normal view takes more focusing power then my eyes can handle.
4) I can see behind me now! Sort of, occasionally I can the reflection of something on the inside of my glasses. As handy as this could be it has mostly been distracting.
5) A couple of my friends said I can now rock the sexy librarian look. I told them I don't want a "look" I'd rather be me. They insisted that I'd still get to be sexy. IDK.
I meant to say this when I posted about Mt Gambier but forgot, I grabbed 7 postcards with the intention of sending them to you guys. So if you would like a post card with the Blue lake or sink hole garden, message me and I'll send it of ASAP. I also have 2 Melbourne post cards, if you'd rather have one of those instead.
sharing is caring,