Cronus was a son of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus was one of Gaia's children. From them sprang the Titans. Cronus overthrew his father Uranus for leadership over the first generation Titans (his brothers and sisters) and started the Golden age of Mythology. With his sister Rhea the long line of Olympus Gods came to be.
Cronus = Henry Fonda
Rhea = Joan Bennett
These are older classic actors and I chose them out of favorites so dont bash :P
Children of Cronus and Rhea
Zeus = George Clooney
Poisedon = Sean Connery
Hades = Tim Curry (because he is my fave villain)
Hestia = Reese Witherspoon (she is a very family oriented woman, as the goddess is)
Hera = Pamela Anderson (for being one of the most wed celebrities I know)
Demeter = Alyssa Milano (because she changes her style every turn she gets)