To all of those who even read this. I give you a task that I thought of today. It is sorta a challenge. Think of five things that give you joy. Just plain joy, unattatched to anyother emotion eg lust, etc.
1. Today I found out that watching baby shows gives me joy, which is the inspiration of this challenge. Baby shows meaning "birth day" "Expecting Model" etc. Ones about birth.
2. Animals...duh. I cant explain it, watching animals is amazing for me.
3. talking to friends in depth about themselves. Just to know that they trust me enough to tell me things gives me joy. Especially when they think that they cannot tell me something because it will "hurt our relationship" and it turns out to be something incredibly small (in my mind).
4. walking around in wilderness. Far into the woods sorta thing, completely secluded. It gives me joy and on a completely (non-joy) different level a sense of peace.
5. Having plants grow. the ones you planted from seed. Watching them sprout, grow, and give whatever they are supposed to produce.