People clearly aren't paying attention to what's in the userinfo, so I'll say it here.
- Comment. We love feedback. How are we supposed to know what you like and don't like if you don't say anything?
- Do not hotlink.
- Do not hotlink.
If you don't know what that is, here.
- Crediting is mandatory. If you are found not crediting an icon,
we will ask you nicely. Second time, less of the nice. Banned. End of
story. If you don't know how to credit, here and here.
- Do not repost our icons. This community is locked with good reason and our icons are for Livejournal use only.
If we wanted our shit posted all over Livejournal and Xanga, we'd do it
ourselves. Don't make lame excuses about how we waste our time making
them and how you're crediting anyways. You're really not. You want icons to post? Make them yourself.