Beer again, me love me life.

Oct 04, 2014 00:00

Not that I've had too many, just one.
But this is on top of sucking hard butt at work and little to no sleep.
I wish it was my last day already.
This Monday, when hubby left, he held me in the parking lot while I cried my fucking eyes out!
I didn't think I'd get so emotional about it. I was a mess on the way to work.
Then for extra kicks Bitch of the world who works in human resources and who I can't seem to please lately ripped me a new one and talked to me as though I had two brain cells.
Question, how the hell did this woman get a job in human resources when she talks to everyone as though they're a child that she's told for the tenth time to stop eating the paint. If I were her child, I would so eat paint!
Last question, if you really think someone is that stupid, why talk to them like that.
I mean I felt as if I should put on a dunce hat at the end of the shreding.
(It wasn't a conversation, trust me!)

So when I got home, I started to cry my eyes out again.

Who's idea was this any way?
Oh, right both of ours.


As if this week couldn't get anymore kick arse, my brother's car caught on fire.
And my parent's are on the brink of divorce.
My Dad will only speak to my Mom via texts and they aren't nice words his sending her.
Isn't life grand?

hubby., life, work sucks

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