Jun 05, 2014 00:06
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too tired.
Had fun dancing in the parking lot at work.
"Light em Up" by Fallout Boy was cranked to 11 while I made my car shake it bon, bon!
Work was pretty uneventful, except there's a new kind of hotness in grocery. My GOD IS THIS YOUNG MAN HOT!
Tall, dark, handsome, tattoos, YUM!
Bad attitude...Okay so he's not perfect.
Good thing I don't have to worry about getting my heart broken by him.
Nope, no chance of that for me.
Also good thing he can't hear my thoughts when he walks by, because he would hear me say, "WHOLEY SPIT I think I just dropped an egg!" Or at the least he would hear me say, "Oh BOY!"
People are such jerks.
My Aunt calls to tell me about a party, then tells me that I shouldn't leave here if my husband wants to go.
I'm sorry but that is what I'll do if it comes to that.
My husband and I are family.
If he finds a job somewhere else, I will go with him.
That is just how it is.
She acts like he wants to just get up and leave in the night, with no job car and wants me to quit my wonderful job at the crappy place I work at.
I am not a battered wife, he doesn't get to tell me what to do.
Nobody does!
Don't tell me what I'm doing with my Man and don't tell me if I should or shouldn't go with my own damn husband!
Came home from work and didn't feel like cooking.
We went to IHOP, then Wallmart and when we got home there was a dead cat out in the road.
How can someone run over a poor creature and not pick it up, move it out of the way, or at least call animal control?
I hope the poor thing didn't suffer!
Time to get to bed, I work for the next three days.
Don't know when I'll get to have any fun.
Next week is going to suck monkey you no what, seems everyone is off work and so I get all their hours.
Fine, I need the money but geeze!
Dreamed I was babysitting and making a lot of money.
Don't I wish.
Hard for a chunky girl to look cute sometimes, but I try.