Found an old daytimer with my musings for a year.
2001 if you were wondering.
Wow, I was dating my first boyfriend then.
Had issues with B&N, and let everything people said get to me.
I enjoyed reading it, and have decided to start doing more of that here.
Okay so first of all, I fell off the log or whatever they call that visit.
I didn't see it coming, thought it would be here later. Nope, today.
More on that fun later.
Hubby drove me to work, so that was nice.
Got to talk to Jane, the old lady whose the snappy dresser. She has short black hair, is all skin and bones, and I hate her! LOL.
She was showing a co-worker pictures on her phone and I asked if it was her kids or grandkids and she said nope, her hockey team.
Yup, she into UAH hockey and the team here comes to pay her visits and she is like their mama.
I told her that any guy who wears skates is good looking in my book.
Said I wasn't a fan of hockey till I saw a game, then it was all over but my screaming.
Jane said she needed to get me tickets.
I said that would be amazing.
I love hockey, just love it death!
Later, the issues of my time came up.
Had to keep going to the ladies room.
That was fun.
Found out my black work pants had several holes in them.
Can't wear those anymore.
James the sensitive mustache wearing, Vegan idiot, thinks he looks good in green shorts...he needs to stop thinking that. It hurts to look at him and his twiggy white legs.
They are bright green too, like "no I'm not an elf what the elf are you talking about?"
Trouble is, can't go out and buy new ones, or even cute short shirts for chunky girls...we have little funds since hubby got laid off.
Yup, he did second week of May.
He has some work he's doing as an independent contractor for a friend. It has to do with human resources.
I hope he finds something soon.
My "Hi" guy who's smile should be illegal for married woman, seems to always get in my line.
It makes my day, but I need to remember a few things when he's there.
1. He's nice to look at, but not for me. I'm married.
2. I'm married, so therefore I'm not allowed to think a guy is cute ever again right?
3. I am not young, cute, or thin so he has no interest and me and he shouldn't because...
4. I am married!
Oh, I'm kidding. He's just something to look at. Besides, he's married with kids.
I don't even say more to him, than "hi" and how are you.
Having a passing fancy is one thing.
By passing fancy I mean, you like to look at them and smile at them.
No more, no less.
Crushes, are more dangerous.
Like, you talk to them and confide in them, go places with them, have their numbers and rationalize everything you are doing.
Nope, never came close to anything with that, even before I was married.
My crushes were all from afar.
I saw and lusted with my eyes and panted heavily when they walked by.
Nothing ever came of those crushes.
Maybe because of my heavy breathing?
Having little bro dude here is getting to be a major pain.
I hope he'll sign the car title over to me soon, so we can ask him to leave and get someone in our place who can pay more.
In other news, lets see...
I have been doing this It gives me something to look forward to even on my work days.
I just sit and dream about what I'll be doing next.
I was even looking at patterns on people's clothes and trying to draw what I saw.
I have no talent, but I have love!
New people I want to punch in the neck.
This stupid girl who used to work in EF, walks around barefoot.
She belongs to the "Barefoot Society" she says there is no real reason for people to wear shoes in any establishment. Even fancy restaurants.
Now I'm all for having out there ideas, but walking around without shoes is stupid for one reason...BROKEN GLASS!
Today alone there were two broken glass incidents in the store.
Now, would she want to walk into that?
Had she walked into them, would we be held responsible for her footloose and fancy free mindset?
I would have even less of an issue with her life foot fetish had she not said in a conversation. "Oh, I go barefoot all the time, but I have flip-flops in case there's an issue because I'm courteous."
I know she meant not what I heard, but here is what I heard.
"I know more than the average person, doing this radical and freeing hippy, dippy thing. You don't need shoes, no don't you see. Take them off and run with me. We'll run with glee right through the grass. Till I trip and fall and land in glass."
I heard, "I am so advanced and alternative, but I'm even better than being better than you, because if you have an issue with my stinky pinkies, I'll put on shoes just to appease you. Even though I'm right. Thus making me a better person for going shoeless, but still having shoes just in case."
Yes, all of this went though my narrow little mind.
I know, unkind.
But she drove me nuts.
Listening to Eleanor and Park via CD.
I still have my walk man that I bought ten years ago...maybe longer.
It still works!
Funny, when I read the book, I thought the mom and stepdad weren't that bad, now hearing it read out loud, I am shocked that this is a teen book.
Why are parents so cruel to something that came out of their body.
I also never understood why the step-parent gets all of the hate, when it's the mom or dad who picked the looser in the first place.
I still think about Joe and my story called, "The Wastelands"
Wonder when I'll get some balls for that one?