Dear LJ, I've been a very good girl this year, so for Christmas, I'd like:
1. DONATE Donate your time, your talents, your good fortune. There are so many good causes out there that I can't just champion one, but if you feel strongly about something, donate a bit of yourself towards it. Visit the elderly and the sick. Volunteer at your place of worship. Donate blood, plasma, red blood cells, or even get yourself on the national bone marrow registry. Donate to your local food bank or shelter. Go through your closet and get rid of those clothes you aren't wearing anymore. Even just donate your time to your family. Call your mom just to talk, spend more time in the evenings with your kids or your significant other (this includes pets too; they need loving as well). If you're fortunate enough to have the money, donate toys and books for organizations like Toys for Tots and First Book.
2. LAPTOP Okay, so this is one of my 'wish really big' items. I would love and cherish a new laptop. The one I own now is roughly on its last legs, and if I lose it, that's it. No more internet for me. I really like Sony's VAIO laptops; they're all I've owned and they've always done very well for me. A decent sized hard drive and memory would be a huge plus.
3. NOOK I love reading, I do. I've been a voracious reader since I was a kid. Hell, I read encyclopedias as a kid for entertainment. I've gotten e-books as gifts and while reading them on the laptop is fine, I wish they were a bit more portable. A Nook would come in handy not just for the e-books but for the fanfic I like to read too. It would save shelf space and, likely, countless trees. Think of the trees! And my poor tiny bedroom that is already overflowing.
4. WEBCAMERA/MICROPHONE Keeping in the theme of electronics, I've put down a webcamera and a microphone. Truly, I need/want the mic more than the camera. I like to create podfic (essentially, fanfic made into an audiobook format) and my current mic is not really up to scratch. A camera would be awesome to go with, so I can video chat with my friends in far places. Though this will mean no more looking like a slob in front of the computer anymore.
5. OFFICE SUPPLIES I am the type of girl who gets giddy and excited during back to school season. I adore office supplies: pens, notebooks, Sharpies. I like Sharpies and gel ink pens, and I have a need to keep a steno pad in my purse at all times (for those last minute notes and sparks of inspiration). I could also use a computer desk chair as I am currently sitting on a very hard, old kitchen chair.
6. RP PAID ACCOUTS I am an online role-player. (Brief pause for hanging head in a moment of shame.) I enjoy being fictional people in fictional worlds and I would like to have a few of my main character accounts shored up with paid time. The icons are nice, but I'm more about the ability to edit comments as we are all human and thus, make typos.
7. TEA Up until about a year ago, I was strictly a coffee girl. Glorious wonderful coffee, nectar of the gods. I worshipped at the java altar. Then, I tried Adagio's masala chai. And... I fell in love. Now I'm in need of creating a stash of this beautiful loose leaf tea. Tea me, I would appreciate it. Gift certificates to Adagio would be amazing.
8. BATH/BODY STUFF I am not a girly-girl in some ways. My hair is wash and wear, I don't regularly put on makeup, and I rarely remember where I left my jewelry. But. But but but. I love bath and body stuff. Perfume, nail polish, body scrubs, lotions. Bath bombs, bubble bath, mmmm, yes. I'm a big fan of Sephora, Lush, and Villainess, and I never get to spend money on these things because they are not gas or food. Gift cards to any of these stores would rock so much.
9. ENTERTAINMENT ITEMS I am a huge books/TV/DVD/music junkie. I am seriously an obsessive fan of certain TV shows and must watch regularly. I keep a running list of the books I've read and the ones I want to read. I have an unhealthy addiction to fanmixes. There are box sets I'd love (like Supernatural season 5, The Vampire Diaries season 1, Castle seasons 1 and 2), but anything in those fandoms would also rock my world (ie, fic, mixes, icons, etc). I'm always looking for new authors to read, so give me suggestions. Suggest your favorite band/album or send a mixtape. If you want to give actual books or DVDs, used is awesome. Gift cards would also be fabulous.
AMAZON WISH LIST I put together this holiday wishlist for things I would love to get this holiday season, including my preferred items for anything listed #2-#9. It also includes shoes for work, a new messenger bag, and lots of cheap used books. If you want to give, by no means do I intend for this list to limit you; these are just examples of me wishing out loud.
I promise a real update after this. But I made my wishlist for
holiday_wishes and wanted to cross-post it to my LJ as well.