i've been told it's only going to hurt for a minute...anyway, i've held off on this newest trend as long as i can, but i have such a depth of emotion that i just can't handle any longer.
Today has been one of the most beautiful days i can remember. just a few clouds and not hot at all. man, there is a god. today we talked about neitzsche (how bout that spelling) in my philosophy class. i suggest to one and all that you read his stuff. his master and servant philosophies are certainly food for thought, even if you end up refuting his thoughts.
nip/tuck could possibly be the most terrible thing ever to appear on television. well, i guess there was the republican national convention. followed closely by the democratic national convention.
my comparative politics professor (has a Ph.D. in political science, mind you) had no idea about the CBS memo that's such hot shit, no idea how many electoral votes it takes to elect a president (270), and some other huge thing. i was shocked and awed that she had no idea. *sigh* what is this world coming to.
i have two tests tomorrow, one in espanol and one in comparative politics. ugh. going to study. g'night
"god is dead. and we have killed him" neitzsche (don't agree, just sounds good)
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