numerology 101, for gits and shiggles

Oct 24, 2005 23:36

How Is Your Life Path Calculated ?
(cyn note: so i took pity on your scroll buttons.)

This is calculated in four steps:

1) Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit)
2) Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit)
3) Add up the digits in your year of birth.
4) Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.

With all the above calculations, we keep adding until we end up with a single digit, or an 11 or 22 (which are special cases in numerology, known as "Master Numbers").

In your case Cynthia, you were born on September 14, 1984.

Your month of birth is September, which is the 9th month. As 9 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here

Your day of birth is the 14th. Adding 1 + 4 gives us 5.

Your year of birth is 1984. Adding 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 gives us 22. Note that we don't add the two digits in 22, because 22 is known as a 'Master Number'.

The totals, then, are 9, 5, and 22. To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together: Adding 9 + 5 + 22 gives us 36. Adding 3 + 6 gives us 9.

Be sure to read every word of this, because your life path reveals so much about you ...

Cynthia, your Life Path of 9 ...

You are a deeply spiritual individual who often displays a deep interest in religion or the occult at a very early age. In fact many nines grow up to be psychics, healers, priests and nuns. You probably feel responsible for keeping up the morality or spirit of mankind in some way, or even responsible for their very souls. This is why many nines also end up working for the law as policemen or judges or in some aspect of spiritual or psychological counseling.

(cyn note: er, for those of you who know me, religion is not usually my most favorite topic of conversation. More often than not, since i don't like the whole idea of religion to begin with, i tend to steer conversations AWAY from it, or make jokes about it, or speak sarcastically about it. spirituality, however, is a different story; spirituality is set on ideas, not beliefs, in my opinion, which makes it much easier for me to swallow. I don't take a huge interest in it, however, and have never pursued anything spiritual. so nix this first bit, i guess.)

The emphasis of your life path is on finding ways to communicate the divinity of man in a practical context. As many nines are also very artistic, this connection with the higher powers might also be expressed through a talent such as writing, music or painting.

At some point in your life you have probably sworn to yourself to make this world a better place. You are extremely compassionate and feel above the matters that you feel causes factions of society to be divided. You are very aware of feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand in the Universe and believe that materialism, prejudice and lust just don't matter in the long run.

(cyn note: um...ding!)

You have a charismatic and very open personality that attracts you a lot of friends. You are very social, sometimes at the expense of your other responsibilities. Sometimes a number nine might take too much time out during the day "to smell the flowers" and incur the resentment of those that are left to pick up the slack.

(cyn note: oh, crap.)

Your attitude towards life in general is very selfless and you usually have a good connection with God or a higher power. However often the number 9 faces a unique challenge at some point in his or her life that seems to be a test of faith. Usually this incident takes the form of a devastating personal loss, disease or some sort of tragedy. This triggers a period of time that lasts a few years that is often called the "dark night of the soul." It is usually during this period of your life that you find the extreme courage and strength to become what is called a wounded healer.

Your life may seem too tough to handle at times which makes you vulnerable to finding substitutes for the family unit. As you are naturally very lonely and insecure, you are particularly vulnerable to joining a cult or becoming fanatical in the religious sense.

(cyn note: fanaticism, no. cult...maybe for a weekend.)

If you are a number nine you may find your life seems more difficult than others. This is because it is common human nature to take advantage of your compassion, empathy and generosity. It may seem unfair to you that others do not appreciate the spiritual gifts that you have to offer, especially when you demand so little materially from the world. This is part of the problematic path of the number 9 who is often fated to learn that the path of true compassionate does not necessarily result in spiritual rewards for the healer either.

Although you may feel quite clear about your divine purpose and goals in life, others may perceive you as weird or spacey. This is why it is often difficult for a number 9 to keep a job for long. Relationships might also be very difficult for a 9 to sustain, as this particular path is a rather lonely one. Part of the 9's spiritual development is usually being presented with situations that force them to let go of emotional situations and connections that might interfere with the higher purpose that the cosmos has in store for them.

(cyn note: blah, blah, blah. *is amused*)

Of course , we're just getting started ...

Cynthia, Now Let's Discover
Your Potential Natural Abilities,
and What You Really Want Out of Life ...

These are calculated using the letters in your full name at birth
(i.e. "Cynthia Denise Morrell", as printed on your birth certificate).

Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 22.

How Is Your Expression Calculated?

What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers,
using the following chart :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way.

Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The ‘Y’ in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.

Let’s work out your Expression number, Cynthia :

Using the above chart we would put a 3 below the 'C' of your first name. We would follow this with a 7 placed above the 'y', then a 5 below the 'n', a 2 below the 't', and so on ...

We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this:

7 9 1 5 9 5 6 5
C y n t h i a D e n i s e M o r r e l l
3 5 2 8 4 5 1 4 9 9 3 3

Now we simply add up the numbers in each row.

The top row: Adding 7 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 5 gives us 47. Adding 4 + 7 gives us 11 (note that we don't add the digits of 11 together, since 11 is a 'Master Number').

The bottom row: Adding 3 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 3 gives us 56. Adding 5 + 6 gives us 11 (note that we don't add the digits of 11 together, since 11 is a 'Master Number'). .

We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 11+11=22.

And so, Cynthia, your Expression is 22.

What a '22' Expression Means About You

Now that we've done the calculations, what does this actually mean?

Cynthia, your Expression of 22 ...
Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

You are a master number and often referred to as the "master builder." You are probably fated for great things in your life, as a 22 is usually the creator of some kind of structure that transforms the life of society. Usually this change is a positive one but there are some 22s who have misused their powers to create chaos instead of progress.

You are very strong leader and blessed with keen analytical powers, enhanced intuition, intelligence, creativity and the ability to manifest the greatest ideals as a reality. You are often reserved and efficient in your approach to things but if you want to be heard you also have the power to make your thoughts and ideas widely known. Usually a 22 is thrust into the public limelight as a great achiever or as a subject of controversy at some point in their life.

(cyn note: I've never been much of a leader, don't like the limelight much, and have a horrible time explaining myself about anything. hmph.)

In terms of your self-expression you may be a bit of chameleon having experienced many different roles and careers in your life. Your intelligence and foresight often leads you to a wealthy or powerful position in society eventually. As you are also a very balanced individual blessed with almost superhuman stamina and organizational abilities you usually are able to maintain a stable family life and satisfy your thirst for adventure without compromising either.

(cyn note: Chameleon. i like that word. Superhuman stamina?!?!?! Stability?!?!?! ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITIES?!?!?!?! my my, whatever this dude is on,i want...)

You are charming, good looking and impress all that you meet with your way of making them feel special. Others may feel an instant connection to you even if you don't necessarily feel that connected to them. This is partly why you make such a good leader. You will excel in any occupation, but whatever it is, you will probably end up in a position of great authority and responsibility.

(cyn note: ummm, does a Team Leader 2 at a shoe store count?)

Others are often also touched by the noble nature of your ambitions. They sense that everything you do is for the higher aim of the good of mankind. The only drawback of having so much power over others can be expressed by that phrase "Absolute power absolutely corrupts."

As one of the ways you succeed is by familiarizing others with new ways or unorthodox solutions that danger is that you could become fanatical or overpowering.

You have no problem attracting members of the opposite sex as many find you irresistible. However you are such a dominant personality that very few survive a long-term relationship with you. Your identity is so strong that others often feel swallowed up by it. When choosing your partner it is a good idea to choose a naturally submissive individual who does not mind living in your shadow.

(cyn note: I really can't ever remember being the "dominant" one in any relationship. i don't think there should be a "dominant" one.)

As you are such a powerful personality you also have to be very careful in how you express your opinions and choose your words carefully. Other people are very influenced by your thoughts on both a physical and astral plane. Usually a 22 is naturally positive and subscribe to the term "you are what you think." However as you are a great idealist, you are often disappointed by the limitations and self-sabotaging behaviors of humanity. One of your challenges is to be patient with those that are not capable of seeing the world in the same way you do.

(cyn note: I DEFINITELY believe the "you are what you think" stuff. mind over matter and all that rot, as well, to a degree.)

Throughout your life you will probably also be known for the political, literary, scientific or artistic contributions you make to humanity. As you are the great artisan, you are sure to be broadly recognized for your talents at one point in your life. Often the contributions you make to history endure for centuries.

Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge
(also known as your "Heart's Desire")

We have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of your full birth name.

In your case Cynthia, this totals 11.

Cynthia, your Soul Urge of 11 ...

What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

Your soul's purpose is to manifest ideals into reality but usually such an endeavor means that you must be a catalyst for change. For this reason many who encounter you actually fear you as what you suggest and say is a threat to their emotional and physical security. However this does not usually bother you as you have an innate realization that without chaos there can be no personal transformations or betterment of society.

Your highest calling is to become the master of a religion or of a spiritual realm. This can be a painful process emotionally as it often means the stripping away of the personality and ego. Many elevens travel a very difficult path, fraught with personal, physical and financial obstacles as the cosmos tests their mettle to have faith only in their higher self.

You are the ultimate seeker of truth and will go to any lengths to find a spiritual teacher or guru. This search often leads you on a path that is full of many pitfalls and disappointments as you realize that one spiritual system doesn't work for you or that a guru or teacher is only human after all. However by the end of your life, you are fated to acquire a great deal of practical and esoteric wisdom. Many of you become as hard and clear as diamonds when it comes to your clarity about the human race.

You also have the highest ideals of any other number and therefore set yourself up for disappointment. Many of you are born to be very sensitive emotionally and many of your soul lessons have to do with detaching emotionally from the pain and misery of the human race. Common soul lessons learned by number 11s are not to take things personally, to realize that everything, including happiness, is transitional and to realize that nothing is perfect (especially humans.) At the beginning of their lives elevens are often very attached to people, but by the end they usually achieve an omniscient emotional distance that is more beneficial and healing for a large group of humans than just a few.

Often your search for spiritual truth leads you to experimentation with mind-altering drugs. You are fascinated with the idea of altering your consciousness to achieve enlightenment. Rather than drugs, teachings from a master or trips to holy or mystical places would better cultivate your talents.

One of the dangers of being an eleven is that you think your psyche can take in anything and not suffer damage. Some of the spiritual experiences that you desire may be too strong for your delicate nervous system. For this reason you need to avoid mind-altering drugs, situations that are too extreme or religions that invite you to host dead spirits. You are also more vulnerable to astral attack than the other numbers simply because you are like a wide-open channel that is willing to receive psychic information from others. As some psychic information is destructive you need to learn meditation and psychic protection techniques to shield yourself from negative influences and energies.

(cyn note: no comment. ironically.)

As you are so curious it is very easy for you to be lead down the wrong spiritual path. If this does happen you are better off to forgive yourself and move on rather than dwell on a mistake that you think may have ruined your life. Testing your faith with negative spiritual influences is another way that the cosmos assures that you will eventually learn to transcend the ego desires of your personality.

(cyn note: dammit, does that mean i gotta trash my Precious Moments "Yay Satan!" series(c) porcelain figurine collection?)

(continued cyn note: okay, did anyone else, if anyone actually read the whole thing (I applaud you if you did), see the unrelenting VAGUENESS in this? i challenge anyone to tell me that they can't relate to at least half of this stuff. sigh, i want a real analysis. they're fun.)
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