May 31, 2005 20:30
let's just say last night was awsome. me and miranda got to detriot around 300. the first band was horrible so we walked around and looked at shirts. i bought a sum41 shirt and she got a static lullaby shirt. later we watched lost city angels. they weren't too bad at all. and they kept saying bad things about the president, lmao. after them we went inside the fox for a minute and saw like 2 seconds of the blue van. they were so horrible, so we went to the state. the sights had just finished, so we were waiting to see 30 seconds to mars. it took them so long. next to me where these kids and one like touched my hand, lmao. soon 30 seconds to mars started and werent bad at all. we left them early to go see a static lullaby. woo hoo! they were good. they are mirandas favorite band. after them we went to see the end of boys night out. they were good too. later we got bored with whatever we were doing and decided to go see unwritten law. the singer was so great. once unwritten law played the fans were hyped up and jumping. there was a small mosh pit for this band. when they were finished we met up with jake, his friend kyle, and his parents. we saw them before but i forgot to put it haha. me and miranda went with jake kyle and jakes mom to get water. after that we tryed so hard to push back up to the frount for sum41. this lady started yelling at jakes mom, lmao. soon sum41 started. they were amazing. the mosh pit was pretty bad for them. and some how we got into it. this girl pushed miranda really hard so she splashed water ALL OVER HER. lmao it was so great. then the same lady that was yelling at jakes mom before pushed jake so her and jakes mom were yelling at eachother and almost got into a huge fight. throughout all of sum41 we got pushed around so much but it was so much fun. later 2 security gaurds started launching crowd surfers RIGHT next to us. they launched this fat guy that landed right on top of miranda. i was holding onto her so we both fell over. miranda hurt her neck and one of the bones popped out of place. right after (they were launching these people so fucking fast) they launched another bigger guy who swung his leg around and kicked me right in the face. my face still hurts haha. not only was the pit great but the music was great too. i thought that sum 41 was the best band there. i swear im in loveeee.
after sum41 alot of people left to go see hot hot heat and social d. we tryed to get into the state to see those bands too but the line was soo damn long. so we went over to the line for the fox theature that wasnt as bad. we saw a little bit of keane (who were soo fucking horrible). and we had to sit on the floor because there were no seats anywhere. it was so packed up in the fox at this time. later torwards the end of keane my mom found these seats and this lady wanted them too. and my mom wouldnt let her have them so the chick called my mom a stupid bitch and walked away. lmao. my mom was like FUCK YOU! hahah. so by now mirandas neck kills my face kills were all really tierd so we just sat there and waited for the killers to start. they finally did. people werent lying when they said the killers play fantastic live, because they do. but they played a few of their songs that i didnt really like. after mr. brightside we decided to leave because it was getting really late. we left the concert and drove to mcdonalds. after we went there we dropped off miranda and bobby realized his wallet was gone. then he remembered a kid pushed into him and grabbed his pocket area. he thinks someone stole it, but i think it just fell out. he didnt have cash in there though, just ID. we finally came home and i went right to bed. i was so damn tierd.
i woke up late this morning because i didnt feel too great at all. i got up eventully and went to school at the end of 2nd hour. school was same as usualllll. i cant wait until its over! 7 DAYS!
oh and for those of you who keep asking, yes, me and ryan did break up. it isnt a big deal, were still good friends and i still love him as a person.
i can't wait until summer.♥