May 06, 2005 01:14
once again, i didnt feel good today. so i didnt go to school in the morning. i was feeling a little bit better at 5th hour, so i was like oh what the hell, and went to school. it was boring, though. once again in 5th hour mrs hall kept talking about a bunch of i dont know what, and in 6th hour i had no one to talk to. mhmm, tell me whats new. 7th hour i played solitare because it's boring, and kevin kept messing me up. how you get messed up in solitare? i don't know. after 7th hour i went to get my stuff and RYAN! came up to me and finally asked me out. took him long enough, haha. ofcourse i said yes, then went to the locker room. we all met in the gym and waited for the bus to come. we got on the bus and went to the track meet. i sat by alyssa and kyle on the way there. when we got there i asked LISA! to hold my camera in her backpack, so she did. and i forgot to get it back, so she took pictures of her with it, haha! <3 my lisa. i didnt run at the track meet today because i wasnt feeling good, and they never put me on the list anyways. so i just helped take scores with JOHN SMITH! haha, he kept making me laugh. later i got bored so i stopped doing that and went to talk with people. yeaa. when the meet was over i helped mr. marielke put things back in the storage and lock doors. then i was the last person to get on the bus. i was sitting by christina at first, but then moved by ryan. we got back to the school and i got my stuff, waited for MICHELLE! to meet me there. we went to the cheerleading meeting together. my dad finally came and we sat through the meeting. me michelle alyssa and monica were laughing the whole time. and michelle's dad's cell phone kept ringing. lmao, it was so funny. i LOVE them. they are my best friends.<3 after the meeting me and my dad were half way home, and i realized i forgot my backpack and purse at the school. so i made my dad drive all the way back. he was so mad, but he did it anyways. i love my dad. he is such a good guy. even though he was half drunk at the meeting, lmao.♥
we got back to the school and i got my stuff, then my dad took me home. once i got home i was bored and online the rest of the night. doing nothinggggggg with my lifeeeeee.
today i suddenly realized how mean i was. and how much shit i say about people. not people i love, but people i hate. maybe if i didnt say so much shit, i wouldnt hate people so much. but that's life. i just hate people. people who tell me what to do. and try to tell me how to live my life. it's my fucking life. i'll do what i want with it. but i don't know, maybe being such a bitch isn't so great afterall. i always did thought it was.~
RYANMATTINGLY.♥♥♥♥♥♥05/05/05, hah.
todays love list: ryan, because he is the greatest. and michelle, because she told me to do her. haha, i love my lifeeeee!♥