Description & Powers

Apr 02, 2011 22:15

Physical Description:
Rose is an average-height 13 year old girl, in the sort of gawky stage at the beginning of puberty, where she's started getting taller but hasn't filled out at all. She has short blonde hair cut in a pixie haircut, purple eyes, and a very feminine face -- full lips, long eyelashes, perfectly shaped thin eyebrows.

Infopost Links:
Aquilas (virgin)
Nigredo (suggestible)
Renamon (human)
Crane (fears)

Canon Abilities:

There are several abilities all of the Homestuck characters share to some extent -- their sylladexes and their strife specibuses. These are seen as normal human traits in their universe.

All of them carry their equipment in a sylladex, which is an RPG-like storage system with various limits on what they can carry but also much more capacity than a normal person. The sylladexes are acknowledged by the characters and discussed, however -- it's not like a cargo system in a game that is just for player convenience. Each sylladex has a particular modus as to how stuff is added and removed from what is effectively hammerspace. At the start of the comic, they can't carry any individual object larger than one they could carry themselves, and they have a limit on the maximum number of items. Rose never hits her item limit, so we don't see what it is; the most we see her carry is eight items. The first few moduses we see are all basic programming data structures (although more ridiculous ones turn up later). Rose's modus is a tree structure, where all of the items are arranged hanging from a root object. If she grabs the root object out of the tree, everything in her sylladex spills out on the ground.

The strife specibus is how each character's weapon is specified, and is created the first time they try to wield something. Some of the characters obtain new ones on defeating enemies that use that specibus, but Rose has not (as of yet). Hers is needlekind, from wielding her knitting needles. Later, she creates needlewands which are basically magic wands, but they still fit the original specibus. It is implied that she may give her specibus to Dave Strider so that he can wield the Quills of Echidna (which fit into needlekind), so specibuses can be exchanged without character defeat, but this hasn't been shown in action yet.

As for character-specific abilities, Rose is a Seer, and can use magic. Her sight allows her to see into a magic cue ball, which is like a Magic 8-Ball without the window, and which is entirely accurate. So far in the comic, she has only used this twice, after talking to Doc Scratch and the second time is the one that makes her flip out and go grimdark. Neither of these has taken place by her canon point, though she has received the title of Seer and likely has the power already.

As for the magic -- again, at the point in canon from which she's taken, she hasn't yet used magic; about fifteen minutes after her canon point, she alchemizes magic needlewands, which shoot fire, electricity, and dark energy. She assumes the magic comes from the needlewands themselves, but Doc Scratch later claims it comes from her. Looking closely, tiny sparks and flames can be seen even when she is attacking with her knitting needles; she just didn't notice it at the time. She is also seen speeding around with no jetpack or any other visible form of levitation. As most of her magic will be removed, the fact that we don't entirely know what form it can take other than wand-blasts and flying is irrelevant.

She's good at video games for a 13-year-old, terrible (but enthusiastic) at creative writing (matching her IM text, her prose is purple), and she's a very good knitter for someone who'd only learned to knit a few months ago.

She is fairly athletic -- she rolls and dodges easily, and as soon as she enters the Medium she kills an Ogre (the second tier of enemies) with just knitting needles and some yarn.

She has a massive vocabulary, but often talks more like she swallowed a thesaurus than incorporating it smoothly into her speech.

Power Limitations:

Her Sight will be removed entirely. When she does sleep, she will have normal dreams, with no horrorterrors or other characters intruding. (She may dream normally about them because she remembers them, but they won't actually be there, and she'll be able to tell the difference on waking.)

Her sylladex will be depowered as follows: it will only work at night, so she won't be able to use it to hide anything from Landel's staff during Dayshift. The maximum carrying capacity of all the items put together will be equivalent to a small backpack, and the most she will be able to carry is eight individual items, even if they are all tiny. Paired/grouped items (like a pair of shoes or a handful of change) can go in as either individual items or as one grouped item. It will be stuck in auto-balance mode, so she won't be able to control where items go in the tree, and if she grabs the root item, which she will do more often because she can't rearrange, everything will spill out onto the floor.

When she removes/adds items to her sylladex, they will appear/disappear in her hands. When everything comes tumbling down, it will appear at about shoulder level and come crashing down in a heap and land unbroken on the floor. She will not be able to pull out captchalogue cards from her sylladex or the modus itself and pass them around even if the other character is a Homestuck character with a sylladex of their own.

Her strife specibus will be intact, which means that she'll be unable to effectively wield any weapon that isn't a pair of short pointy objects. For example: knitting needles, magic wands -- she'll probably start out her first nightshift wielding a pair of pens. She can do things like throw a heavy object at a monster, and she can pick up other weapons and physically move them around, but she will be terrible with them. Even if someone tried to train her with another weapon, she wouldn't be able to learn how to use it. Like her sylladex, this will be hers and hers alone; she cannot pass the specibus on.

If she gets a pair of real knitting needles or needlewands, by alchemy or some other method, she will be able to occasionally produce a small spark or flame. Nothing fatal -- the flame will be roughly like a flick of a lighter, and a spark like crossing the terminals on a nine-volt battery -- mildly painful but undamaging. She will only be able to do it five times in a night; after that it will just not work until the next night.

damned: info, damned: ooc

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