The proper way to start the new year...

Feb 02, 2009 01:56 with unabashed gore.

We've completed all of our gelatin and foam pieces for the two gory effects we're shooting Tuesday and Wednesday. A belly melting open and spilling it's contents (together with a melting throat) and a character's neck sliced open and his trachea bisected with a knife.

Full-tilt gore is the most fun aspect of special make-up effects. Don't listen to those who blather on and on about how the greatest reward of FX work is creating a character or creature that helps further the story. Trust me...the greatest reward of FX work is having to wash the fake blood out of your arm hair at the end of a shoot day. It's fantastically cathartic.

I am now and always will be unashamed of my absolute glee for dousing actors in gallons of colored corn syrup. And the level of willingness or reticence to BE doused is an effective way of judging an actor's awesomeness (or lack thereof).
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