"See you excited in her arms..."

Dec 04, 2008 23:52

"...L.A. and all her crazy charms."

I love my surrogate mother-city. My glorious, plastic, culturally-diverse, resilient, tacky, god-awful, beautiful city.

Why? Well, aside from the taco trucks, bigeyedmixedrace babies, ever-exciting earthquakes and Pink's Hot Dog stand - there's the fact that I can get Vietnamese cuisine at 1am or watch His Girl Friday projected on as mausoleum wall next to Cecil B. Demille's grave. And isn't it a lovely thing to be one of the gazillion blue-collar slobs amongst a handful of pretty people? It also gives me the warm jibblies that Jesus, Yahweh, Mohamed, Buddha, Vishnu, The Blind Watchmaker, the DNA strand and a hundred other icons of belief can live together in relative harmony here (state-enforced harmony of course, but hey...state-sanctioned tolerance is better than the rampant bigotry that exists in other places I have lived).

There's also the fact that I've seen David Lynch speak twice and shaken his hand once.

And don't even get me started on the wonderful array of cutting-edge art and theatre in this town. Just because it doesn't make the tabloids or USA Today doesn't mean it isn't here in abundance.

If you hate Los Angeles, chances are A)You're a "squid" who moved here to become a star and are thus blind to her infinite wiggy wonders, B)You have a big, fat corncob of pretension shoved up your ass, C)You think she and all of her inhabitants are sinful and corrupt (that's a corncob of a different variety), or D) You're 30-plus years old and have yet to learn how to drive.

So. VIVA LOS ANGELES! And Viva Your Own Hometown/Surrogate Mistress-City!

Why don't you tell me why you love your city/town in a comment or a post? Or, if you hate where you live, tell me why as well!

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