Title: Figments
Fandom: One Day
Pairing: Ok Taekyeon x Park Jaebum
Genere(s): Angst
Rated: R
Words: 190
Summary: His life is falling apart and he just needs Taekyeon to know what he means to him.
He just wants everything as it were before he'd left. When he was still in Korea. When he should have admitted things. When his life didn't feel like it was unraveling thread by thread a little more each day.
Taekyeon pushes forward and his thoughts are snapped back to the present. This is what matters now. The body pressing against his and the time they've got together now. The words he never said in Korea fall from his lips in between moans; a mantra of quiet "I love you"s swallowed by the pillow. He wants to say them louder, wants to know that Taekyeon hears him and that he knows. He just needs Taekyeon to know.
He stays flat on his stomach after they've finished, trying to remember to how breathe and think again. As the heat begins to leave his body and the chill of the room wraps around him, he seeks out warmth from Taekyeon.
"I love you, in case you didn't hear while you were moaning my name. I've always--"
Realization that he's speaking to an empty room has him swallowing the last of his words.