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Nightfalling. Please leave any
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It kept me entertained. Good for an almost Halloween movie. It’s filmed alot like The Blair Witch Project, all hand-held camera. A young couple has been having paranormal activity in their home and the boyfriend bought a camera before the movie starts to film it and the movie follows them as the activity gets worse. They call in a psychic early on who tells them he can’t help them because it’s a demon, not a ghost and refers them to a demonologist they don’t call until it’s too late.
Most of the movie is fairly predictable though I did get a few good jumps. The ending will be seen a mile away but since it is almost Halloween, it’s still fun for a full theater experience - most of the fun we had watching it was hearing audience react, especially the weird kid in front of us who laughed way to loud at something not that funny and made most of the theater laugh at him.
Oh! Warning though! Like I said, this movie is filmed on handheld camera - without a tripod. It made me motion sick. I’m not kidding. I felt like throwing up a good hour afterwards. Oddly enough, my friend who saw it with me is prone to motion sickness and was fine so I don’t know what’s up with that.