Tuesday Afternoon

Feb 28, 2006 15:24

Blair settled onto his bed and opened up the computer, trying to finish off an email and decide if he really wanted to send it.


I hope you're fine. School is exciting, but I do miss you. Are you still in India? Let me know where you're at because we're going on a school trip soon, and it would be cool if we ended up at the same place. It'd be nice to talk to you and let you know what's going on with me.

I'm seeing this girl Molly. She's really cool and sweet and smart and pretty and...well, she's just really awesome. We started out with some problems but it's better now. We had our second first date and it was official this time. Did I mention how cool she was?

Our school is putting on A Midsummer's Night Dream and I've got the part of Lysander. It's this guy who's just trying to follow his heart but he's getting screwed over by the man. So he runs away and then gets hit with this love potion thing and well, then there's fairies and a man with a donkey head and it's weird. But it should be fun. I'll try and send you pictures if you want them.

My big brother is teaching me self defense so I can protect myself. I know that you won't probably like that, but it's a neccessity here. Mostly he's teaching me what to do in a dangerous situation like run away, get help, be really forceful. But it's really helpful, and it makes me feel safe. There's a lot of violent stuff here, I wonder if it's got anything to do with being so close to Washington D.C.? Do you think the government might be leaking some sort of toxin? I'll check up on that.

I guess the only other thing I wanted to talk to you about was my anthropology class. We're learning about genetics now and our teacher had us do an eye color calcuator. I know you've always said there were too many options to know for sure...but don't you have any idea who my father could be? Or at least a guess on the eye color? I'm sorry, I don't mean to pressure you or anything. It's just hard and it would be kinda nice to know, you know?

Please write back,

[ooc: open for interaction]

409, naomi, daddy issues

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